
Money is Worth More in Dreams than Dollars

Every year for my birthday, family members send money with a birthday card. Even though it feels like it's been ages since my birthday, I still haven't spent half of it. To me, it is far more interesting to dream about what that money could buy than to actually spend it. To walk into a store and realize you have endless possibilities, but to walk out with just one thing, seems disappointing. Was that one item the thing you wanted or needed most? Is it far more special than anything else you could have bought?

Sometimes being frugal is annoying. But it reminds me that spending money and buying "stuff" is not all it's cracked up to be. In fact, my hubby and I were talking just the other night about how we most enjoy gifts that allow us to spend time together in some way. My hope is that we will all spend and give wisely this Christmas season.

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