
Spring Reading

Spring is the time I decide to be re-obsessed with food, farming, CSAs, etc. It seems like the perfect time really! The last two weeks, I have sped through two books about food and local eating that were enjoying and easy to read.

Plenty is about a couple living in Vancouver (and in the middle of nowhere) who decide that it would be awesome to eat foods only within 100 miles of their home. And why, yes, they ARE crazy! It was extremely difficult and funny to read about - but it is also inspiring for those interested in the concept of local food.

The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden, by William Alexander, is a hilarious, speed-read about a man and the ridiculous struggles he has in the battle of man v. garden. He dreams of the perfect, existential kitchen garden that will make him feel that he's "getting back to nature," and "connecting with the earth," etc. It really is hysterical, and I read it in about 3 days.

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